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** Project Name: DropShell
** File Name: DSAppleEvents.c
** Description: Generic AppleEvent handling routines
** This is the set of routines for handling the required Apple events.
** You should NEVER have to modify this file!!!
** Simply add code in DSUserProcs to the routines called by these.
** A U T H O R I D E N T I T Y
** Initials Name
** -------- -----------------------------------------------
** LDR Leonard Rosenthol
** MTC Marshall Clow
** SCS Stephan Somogyi
** R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y
** Date Author Description
** --------- ------ ---------------------------------------------
** 20 Feb 94 LDR Modified _HandleDocs to pass item count to preflight & postflight
** 11 Dec 93 SCS Universal Headers/UPPs (Phoenix 68k/PPC & PPCC)
** Skipped System 6 compatible rev of DropShell source
** 11/24/91 LDR Added a handler for 'pdoc' as per DTS recommendation
** This caused some reorg & userProc routine changes
** I also created a new common AEVT doc extractor
** Cleaned up error handling by adding FailErr
** Cleaned up the placement of braces
** Added the passing of a userDataHandle to the odoc/pdoc routines
** 10/29/91 SCS Changes for THINK C 5
** 10/28/91 LDR Officially renamed DropShell (from QuickShell)
** Added a bunch of comments for clarification
** 10/06/91 MTC Converted to MPW C
** 04/09/91 LDR Added to Projector
#include "DSGlobals.h"
#include "DSUserProcs.h"
#include "DSAppleEvents.h"
AEEventHandlerUPP OAPPHandlerUPP, ODOCHandlerUPP, PDOCHandlerUPP, QUITHandlerUPP;
This routine does all initialization for AEM, including the
creation and then population of the dispatch table.
#pragma segment Initialize
pascal void InitAEVTStuff () {
OSErr aevtErr;
aevtErr = noErr;
if ( aevtErr == noErr ) {
OAPPHandlerUPP = NewAEEventHandlerProc(HandleOAPP);
aevtErr = AEInstallEventHandler ( kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenApplication, OAPPHandlerUPP, 0, false );
if ( aevtErr == noErr ) {
ODOCHandlerUPP = NewAEEventHandlerProc(HandleODOC);
aevtErr = AEInstallEventHandler ( kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, ODOCHandlerUPP, 0, false );
if ( aevtErr == noErr ) {
PDOCHandlerUPP = NewAEEventHandlerProc(HandlePDOC);
aevtErr = AEInstallEventHandler ( kCoreEventClass, kAEPrintDocuments, PDOCHandlerUPP, 0, false );
if ( aevtErr == noErr ) {
QUITHandlerUPP = NewAEEventHandlerProc(HandleQuit);
aevtErr = AEInstallEventHandler ( kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, QUITHandlerUPP, 0, false );
if ( aevtErr == noErr )
InstallOtherEvents ();
if ( aevtErr != noErr )
; // report an error if you are so included
This routine is a utility routine for checking that all required
parameters in the Apple event have been used.
#pragma segment Main
OSErr GotRequiredParams ( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent ) {
DescType typeCode;
Size actualSize;
OSErr retErr, err;
err = AEGetAttributePtr ( theAppleEvent, keyMissedKeywordAttr,
typeWildCard, &typeCode, NULL, 0, &actualSize );
if ( err == errAEDescNotFound ) // we got all the required params: all is ok
retErr = noErr;
else if ( err == noErr )
retErr = errAEEventNotHandled;
retErr = err;
return retErr;
This is another routine useful for showing debugging info.
It calls the ErrorAlert routine from DSUtils to put up the
error message.
void FailErr(OSErr err) {
if (err != noErr)
ErrorAlert(kErrStringID, kAEVTErr, err);
This routine is the handler for the oapp (Open Application) event.
It first checks the number of parameters to make sure we got them all
(even though we don't want any) and then calls the OpenApp userProc in QSUserProcs.
Finally it checks to see if the caller wanted a reply & sends one, setting any error.
#pragma segment Main
pascal OSErr HandleOAPP ( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long handlerRefcon ) {
#pragma unused ( handlerRefcon )
OSErr err;
FailErr(err = GotRequiredParams ( theAppleEvent ));
// let's show the user the splash screen
// ShowWindow(gSplashScreen);
OpenApp (); // pass it on to the app specific routine
if ( reply->dataHandle != NULL ) /* a reply is sought */
FailErr(err = AEPutParamPtr ( reply, 'errs', 'TEXT', "Opening", 7 ));
return err;
This routine is the handler for the quit (Quit Application) event.
It first checks the number of parameters to make sure we got them all
(even though we don't want any) and then calls the QuitApp userProc in QSUserProcs.
Finally it checks to see if the caller wanted a reply & sends one, setting any error.
#pragma segment Main
pascal OSErr HandleQuit ( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long handlerRefcon ) {
#pragma unused ( handlerRefcon )
OSErr err;
FailErr( err = GotRequiredParams ( theAppleEvent ));
QuitApp (); // pass it on to the app specific routine
if ( reply->dataHandle != NULL ) /* a reply is sought */
FailErr(err = AEPutParamPtr ( reply, 'errs', 'TEXT', "Qutting", 7 ));
return err;
This routine is the low level processing routine for both the
odoc (Open Document) and pdoc (Print Document) events.
This routine is the key one, since this is how we get the list of
files/folders/disks to process. The first thing to do is the get the
list of files, and then make sure that's all the parameters (should be!).
We then send call the PreflightDocs routine (from DSUserProcs), process
each file in the list by calling OpenDoc (again in DSUserProcs), and finally
call PostflightDocs (you know where) and setting a return value.
#pragma segment Main
pascal OSErr _HandleDocs ( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, Boolean opening ) {
#pragma unused ( reply )
//#pragma unused ( handlerRefcon )
OSErr err;
FSSpec myFSS;
AEDescList docList;
long index, itemsInList;
Size actualSize;
AEKeyword keywd;
DescType typeCode;
Handle userDataHandle;
FailErr(err = AEGetParamDesc ( theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docList ));
FailErr(err = GotRequiredParams ( theAppleEvent ));
/* How many items do we have?. */
/* NOTE: Moved here in DS 2.0 due to requests for this info in preflighter */
FailErr(err = AECountItems ( &docList, &itemsInList ));
if (PreFlightDocs (opening, itemsInList, &userDataHandle)) { // let the app do any preflighting it might need
for ( index = 1; index <= itemsInList; index++ ) {
FailErr(err = AEGetNthPtr ( &docList, index, typeFSS, &keywd, &typeCode,
(Ptr) &myFSS, sizeof ( myFSS ), &actualSize ));
OpenDoc( &myFSS, opening, userDataHandle ); // call the userProc
PostFlightDocs (opening, itemsInList, userDataHandle); // cleanup time
err = errAEEventNotHandled; // tells AEM that we didn't handle it!
FailErr(AEDisposeDesc ( &docList ));
return err;
This routine is the handler for the odoc (Open Document) event.
The odoc event simply calls the common _HandleDocs routines, which will
do the dirty work of parsing the AEVT & calling the userProcs.
#pragma segment Main
pascal OSErr HandleODOC ( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long handlerRefcon ) {
#pragma unused ( handlerRefcon )
return (_HandleDocs(theAppleEvent, reply, true)); // call the low level routine
This routine is the handler for the pdoc (Print Document) event.
The pdoc event like the odoc simply calls the common _HandleDocs routines
#pragma segment Main
pascal OSErr HandlePDOC ( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long handlerRefcon ) {
#pragma unused ( handlerRefcon )
return (_HandleDocs(theAppleEvent, reply, false)); // call the low level routine
This is the routine called by the main event loop, when a high level
event is found. Since we only deal with Apple events, and not other
high level events, we just pass everything onto the AEM via AEProcessAppleEvent
#pragma segment Main
pascal void DoHighLevelEvent ( EventRecord *event ) {
FailErr ( AEProcessAppleEvent ( event ) );